, March 26, 2008


By Walter Robinson

Triple Candie, the Harlem-based nonprofit cum conceptual art project known for assembling "solo shows" featuring reproductions of works by Cady Noland, David Hammons and other non-cooporating artists, has announced that it is closing — though with an organization like this, who can be sure? The suspension of operations supposedly results from construction in the building housing the space, work that has rendered exhibitions untenable, according to Triple Candie directors Shelly Bancroft and Peter Nesbett. The directors say they are looking for a new space in Harlem.

In the meantime, Triple Candie is bowing out with "Thank you for coming: Triple Candie, 2001-08," Mar. 23 - April 27, 2008. In characteristic Triple Candie style, it promises to feature no art from its seven-year-run. Instead, it includes "documentation, ephemera, fragments of past art projects, posters of past exhibitions that we designed specifically for the show, and partial recreations of past exhibitions that didn't include art." Of particular interest — whether the artifacts are real or fictional, presumably — are a commemorative poster and T-shirt by Polly Apfelbaum, copies of checks supporting the organization from prominent artists such as Robert Gober and Tom Otterness, and correspondence like an email from critic David Cohen explaining why he wouldn't write about the space's fake David Hammons show.


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